Our Services
Connected Minds NYC was developed with the intention to create reports that provide clarity into a child’s profile, that result in tailored and practical recommendations, and to assist you in putting those recommendations in action immediately.
We provide a range of complimentary services to streamline your care.
The primary focus of our practice is on assessments that provide insight about your child's pattern of development. We assess children from the preschool ages to young adulthood, providing neuropsychological, educational, and psychiatric evaluations.
How does an evaluation help?
Evaluations are offered to assist students who may need accommodations for the SAT, ACT, and other standardized tests, special education services or supports, or for therapeutic treatment clarification.
But most importantly, it provides you with clarity on why your child is struggling or demonstrating concerning behaviors and a roadmap for treatment.
What is a neuropsychological evaluation?
Neuropsychological evaluations provide a comprehensive view of an individual's cognitive, academic, and social-emotional capabilities. We use a child- and culturally centered approach to identify personal strengths and areas for growth. The end goal is to provide you with a deep and meaningful picture of your alongside actionable recommendations.
In-depth psychological assessments can be useful in identifying vulnerabilities that affect learning, development, and feelings of success, including:
Cognitive Style
Verbal Reasoning and Language Abilities (e.g., Verbal Knowledge, Verbal Reasoning, Receptive Language / Understanding Language, Expressive Language / Formulating Language)
Nonverbal Abilities
Memory and Learning (i.e., how to study and learn most efficiently)
Executive Functioning (i.e., mental processes that direct an individual’s thoughts, actions, and emotions, particularly during active problem solving)
Adaptive Functioning (how well individuals meet the common demands of life and how independent they are compared to their same-aged peers)
Academic Skills (i.e., reading, writing, and math)
Social Skills
Emotional Functioning / Self-Esteem
Sleep and nutrition
Vocational Interests
As part of the evaluation process, the team at Connected Minds NYC consults with caregivers, teachers, doctors, and treatment providers to ensure an extensive assessment and to relay relevant information for an individual's care. All evaluations include individualized recommendations, appropriate resources, and referrals to target areas of concern and maximize potential.
Finally, because we want our findings to be useful, we participate continual support, such as attending school meetings to discuss recommendations, Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings, and consultations with attorneys. A review of results and comprehensive feedback for you and your child- outlining findings and reviewing recommendations - is provided at the conclusion of the evaluation.
If you are interested in other developmental evaluations or therapies, you may want to connect with Ditmas Park Wellness.
Parenting Support
Being a parent is not easy. Though it brings many joys, there are also many tears and moments of exasperation. It can feel lonely when you aren’t sure what to do, when the advice given to you doesn’t seem to work or does not fit with the type of parent you want to be. We help you weed through the noise, to foster change in your child, and to help you become the parent you want to be.
Whether you are just beginning your parenting path, looking for assistance around specific dynamics or situations (e.g., potty learning, sleep, how to approach a separation or a move), or more on-going support for your child (e.g., managing anxiety, working through challenging behaviors, increasing emotion regulation), we help families find improved dynamics and relief. Our work is equally informed by science-backed intervention, systems and attachment theory, as well as expert understanding of child development and neurodevelopmental differences.
Our clinicians are trained in behavioral parenting practices such as PMT (parent management training) and collaborative problem solving (CPS). Additionally, Dr. Erica is trained in Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions (SPACE) and has completed the clinical training program with psychologist and parenting expert, Dr. Becky.
Assessment Profiled Parenting:
Did your child recently complete a neuropsychological assessment? Are you feeling overwhelmed with the recommendations? Unsure where to start or what it all means? Neuropsychological evaluations are filled with information about your child’s profile, and recommendations for their success and growth. In targeted parenting sessions that use your child’s evaluations, we help you better understand your child’s profile, explore feelings around diagnosis, and help you implement social-emotional, behavioral, and executive functioning supports with clarity and ease.
Individual Therapy
We use a collaborative and playful approach to individualize evidenced-based treatment to meet you or your child's needs. Our therapists incorporate strategies from cognitive behavior therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and acceptance commitment therapy, with a solid understanding of attachment and systems theory.
We are skilled at incorporating play techniques, real life exposures, and collateral work as needed. Many of our clients come to us for anxiety, mood disorders, behavioral challenges, trouble with self-esteem or identify concerns, as well as difficulties in developing fulfilling relationships. Our team is open, genuine, and highly skilled to help you or your child move closer to their goals and to achieve greater satisfaction.
Individual therapy can be in-person, virtual using our HIPAA compliant platform, or a blend.
During a 60-minute initial consultation, we help parents clarify their concerns and identify appropriate options for support, bringing to bear our knowledge of learning, attentional and emotional difficulties, research-based interventions, child development, skilled and local providers, and community resources. Topics of discussion may include:
● Developmental concerns in early childhood
● Learning, attentional and emotional challenges
● How to collaborate with schools to support your child
● Navigating the public school 504/IEP process
● Types of psychotherapy best suited to meet your child’s needs
● Strategies for managing challenging behavior at home
● Community resources that would be helpful for your family